How to Create a Facebook Marketing Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

Facebook Marketing Strategy is important for business owners or advertisers. If you’ve been struggling with where you can find the perfect Facebook marketing strategy, then this guide is here to help you with that. You might be an expert in Facebook posts already but marketing on this platform requires some in-depth knowledge to do it well.

That said, the following are 6 easy steps that you can use to build a solid Facebook marketing strategy that will help you make the most out of your Facebook page.

1. Define Your Target Audience

Before you even start engaging your audience, ensure that you first know who you are targeting. Ask yourself the following questions to better understand who is your target audience:

  • How old is your target audience?
  • Where are they located?
  • What are their jobs like?
  • What are the challenges of your target audience?
  • When and how do your target audience use Facebook?

After confirming your audience demographics, the next thing that you can do is to look at the Facebook Audience insights. With this free tool from Facebook, you can be able to find details like:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Relationship status
  • Location
  • Language
  • Facebook usage
  • Past shopping activity

This will give you a better idea of how you can reach your target audience.

2. Create Goals

Unlike a personal Facebook account, your page is there to make you money by driving customers into purchasing your products or services. So, you have to set goals for your Facebook marketing strategy to ensure you make the most from the campaign.

These goals are strongly tied to your business objectives and should include the following aspects:

  • Generating leads
  • Increasing conversions to your business website
  • Improving your customer service

After deciding what you want to achieve, you can map out specific and measurable ways to achieve your goals.

3. Plan Your Content Creation

You know your target audience and you have set your goals, now it’s time to start posting captivating content. One of the most head scratching moments about a Facebook marketing strategy is defining the right content mix for your page.

But a good rule of thumb is to mix the content using the “80-20” rule, which means using 80% of your Facebook posts to educate, entertain and inform your target audience. You can use the remaining 20% for promoting your brand.

This rule aims to offer your target audience value as you continue to build good relationships with them. Don’t just focus on telling people how great your brand is because that can vanish easily.

4. Optimize Your Facebook Page

The best Facebook marketing strategy is the one optimized enough to effectively reach your target audience. Optimizing your page is what will help your target audience to see your page. Afterward, it’s now up to the posts to compel them into interacting and engaging with the content on your page.

To increase your likes, shares, and views, ensure that you fully optimize your posts using the target keywords and shareable content as well. And while you do all this, ensure that you remain consistent in your content creation. Otherwise, the Facebook algorithm may degrade your page if they feel you’ve disappeared for a while.

5. Use Other Facebook Tools

After creating and running a successful Facebook Business Page, you can make use of other Facebook tools to scale your business to greater heights. Some of these tools include:

  • Facebook Business Manager – This allows you to manage your organic and paid Facebook posts.
  • Facebook Groups – Using Facebook for your business can help you drive engagement into your page.
  • Facebook Chatbot – Otherwise known as the Facebook Messenger bot, this tool can help you communicate with your customers when you are not online.

6. Use Facebook Ads and Facebook Pixel

As you may know, the Facebook algorithm heavily prioritizes posts from the user’s friends and family. Therefore, it’s sometimes hard for brands to standout from such a crowd. But the good news is that you can always boost your posts using Facebook Ads at an affordable budget.

With this strategy, you simply have to promote your page by targeting your specific audience. The aim here is to get your posts right on the eyes of your target audience, whether it’s for increasing traffic, engagements, or awareness, which might all lead to conversions.

On the other hand, you can also use a Facebook Pixel on your website to do the following for you:

  • Track conversions coming from Facebook
  • Remarket to an audience who’ve visited your website before
  • Build targeted personalized audience for future ads reference

There you go, these 6 Facebook marketing strategies can be the keys you need to scale your business to the next level.

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