Instagram Marketing for Your Business

Instagram marketing is one of the major social media channels used for improving your business. But, you can not be able to talk about its goodness unless you try it out and find out yourself right? The best thing about this social media channel is that it does limit one to given business promotion.

Thus, whether you want to promote a corporates business, large or small business or even a personal brand, Instagram will definitely help you achieve your marketing goals. Still wondering why you should incorporate Instagram to your business marketing strategies? well below are six points which prove that Instagram is a must have social media channel for your business marketing.

1. Instagram is used on storytelling

The fact remains that we all love reading and knowing different stories. From our favorite celebrities and other matters that surrounds us too. Therefore, whether it is a funny story, twist, dramatic or even informative, people’s attention will be captured due to the curiosity of wanting to know more about that story being shared.

On the side of business, telling a story about your brand or a particular company can help you boost your audience number and even help cerate a strong connection between your brand and your customers.

Why is Instagram essential?

Instagram allows marketers to share their visuals with their customers. This in return helps to build a strong relationship with the potential buyers and the ambassadors as well. Keep in mind that customers understand and know more about a brand if it is presented in visual form. when sharing your brand visuals on Instagram, make sure to focus on the needs of your customers over pushing the product too much. Allow the customer to naturally connect with what you are offering without having to push them. Therefore, the feeds that you opt to share on your page should be focused on creating an emotional attachment between your brand and the customers. This hence gives positive feedback from the targeted audiences.

Tip: It is crucial to share the behind the scenes clips of people who were involved in the creation of your brand(s).

2. Visual contents are important to your marketing strategy

Research proves that, visuals are the most engaging contents on the internet. This is because visuals provides up to 650 percent of engagement as opposed to the text posts. Instagram on the other hand is a great platform that allows people to share their visuals with the potential customers. For a new brand, you can share your visuals to the customers to see what they like and not, hence from therefore you can easily make them necessary changes on the brand.

Tip: When sharing your visual contents, make sure to sick to one color scheme and style that represents your brand all through.

3. You can reach many people through Instagram marketing

Instagram is the perfect platform to enable you reach audience from across the world. Its about 700 million people signed up on the channel, you have high changes of getting noticed by a lot of people. Ensure to utilize hashtags on your posts as it is the best way of getting noticed by the targeted buyers. if you wish to boost your brand more washout minding about the budget going highs or even spending a little bit more, consider incorporating targeted ads to your posts as well.

Tip: Avoid overusing hashtags or even banned hashtags as they bring a negative impact on your target.

4. Instagram gives a perfect engagement with your community

Instagram beats other social medias such as Facebook and Twitter when it comes to the level of interactions online. It even has a high brand engagement rate since most people are open and prefer branded contents showcased on this channel.

Sorts off by following people who have commented on your posts or even liked your brand. You can also like and comment on your posted videos and pictures as well. Start conversations using your created hashtags and engage your audience to join in the discussion. The key point is that you should not only work on boosting your brand through posting videos and photos, make sure to appreciate your audience as well. Also, ensure to engage in real engagement with the targeted audiences.

Tip: Ensure to run a successful Instagram contest in order to boost your brand engagement with the audiences.

5. Instagram is a goldmine of useful feedback and insights

It is recommended that as a marketer you monitor the conversations trending online about your brand. This is quite common other channels such as blogs, Facebook and even twitter. But Instagram also gives people an opportunity to talk about other people brands through posting video and images of the items that they buy from these brands,. Therefore as a marketer, it is crucial that you follow up on such feedbacks and figure out what people perceive your brand and their response to it too.

Tip: utilize Instagram tools such as icon square to see what people are saying about your brand.

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